Alex is growing up so fast! He is becoming more mature and responsible and I am thoroughly enjoying him. He is so smart and bright. He is doing so well in school and is making straight A’s. He recently passed his Hunter Safety Course which is pretty amazing because it is an 8 hour class with a long test after. It is suggested to take it at 8 years old, and then it is tough to pass. But Alex did it! He is starting to hunt and is very excited about this deer season!
Mason is so interested in everything that his big brothers are doing. We have been coloring a lot lately and Mason is getting the hang of it. He has slowly but surely come to the realization that crayons are not food. I think he is also going to be right handed! Alex and Nick are both lefties! So it will be interesting to see which hand he chooses. I have some pretty creative boys around here!
Mason loves to play outside and in the dirt! Any chance he can get he is all for it! I love to watch him learn and figure things out! I am so lucky to have such cute boys that are so much fun! Who cares that I may have a lot more laundry to do than most!!
Nick finally had his friend over to play after school! They met last year playing soccer and also went to the 4 year old program together. They go to the same school, but are not in the same class! They are still great friends and his mom and I try to get them together as much as we can.
It is so much fun to watch the boys develop friendships that have the potential to be life long friends. Such a neat time in their lives!
Luckily enough I had my cell phone with me to capture this crazy moment! I walked into Alex’s room this morning to wake him up, and he was reading a book, and I didn’t have to make him do it! AND Nick had wandered in there at some point and was up there with him and Alex was reading to him….out loud!
If that isn’t enough to make me smile ALL day long, Alex said to me, “ Mom I stayed up and read this whole book last night, and still got a great nights sleep”. Remember this is my child who hates to read!! Maybe, just maybe I have me a little reader on my hands!! Or it could be the Magic Tree House book! Man, I need to get him some more of those!!
I am a happy momma this morning!!
So, Nick and I decided to make caramel apples one evening. He had never had one before! I know, I know, he is so deprived! So I pulled out the apples and we got busy!
I discovered the greatest thing ever this year!!!!
How cool are these!? You do not even have to un-wrap all of those caramel packets, ( and end up eating most of them)! So they melt a lot easier also. Love to find these neat little things that make life easier!
Poor them in and start heating them up, it really helps to have such a cute little helper!! :)
It looks a little like Pork N Beans for a while, until they are good and melty! Don’t let it discourage you!
See yummy, smooth, melty goodness!!! Almost makes you want to lick the spoon, ( which is highly frowned upon here). HA yeah right!
Start dippin’ ! Nick had a great time helping me! I love to have little eager helpers in the kitchen, sometimes!
So good! They are not perfect by any means, but I think they turned out pretty amazing!!
Ta-Da!! Thanks for such a fun time Nick, love you buddy!!
Scott and I coached Nick’s soccer team this year! I had so much fun with the team last year that I just had to do it again! This season we moved up to U6, so we were actually on teams and played real games!
We had a great group of guys and were so proud of how hard they worked! They were all so eager to learn and have fun!
This was after we handed out trophies! They were so proud to get them!! We were just as proud of them! Do you know how hard it is to get 5 little busy boys to pose for a picture?? Nearly impossible!
Our team actually did very well this season! We played 10 games and we WON 8!! How exciting is that!! All of the boys scored goals in games and worked so hard!!! We are going to miss seeing these guys 3X a week for the winter! We will be back in the Spring and better than ever!! :)
Making : Mason laugh Cooking : Made pancakes earlier!
Drinking : Coke
Reading: Tempted on my Sony Reader
Wanting: a vacation
Looking: at blogs
Playing: with my little guy
Wasting: time!
Sewing: ha, haven’t attempted anything in a year!
Enjoying: my family
Waiting: for the holidays!! My favorite time of year!
Liking: the weather
Wondering: what the future holds
Loving: my life
Hoping: for my kids to make it through flu season!
Marveling: at my children! They are amazing!
Smelling: Nothing!
Wearing: Comfy clothes
Following:my heart
Noticing: I need to make my bed
Knowing: That my family is wonderful!
Thinking: That I need to get away from the computer
Feeling: like a cup of coffee will do the trick
Bookmarking: nothing yet
Opening: emails
Giggling: at Mason, he is soooo funny!
Feeling: Loved